Why was it predicted that the world ends on December 21, 2012?

Will the world really end on December 12, 2012 Or it is just a hoax

 Obviously, the world did not end on December 21, 2012. We’re still here continuous in our daily activities and thriving each day. However, for many years before that, they were speculations that Earth would have ended on the said date. Some pictured the world ending through a collision with a mysterious heavenly … Read more

What are Polarized sunglasses? How do they work?

What are polarized sunglasses? How do they work?

The scorching heat of the Sun. Blue skies. Rising temperature in the atmosphere. Beach days. Outdoor brunching. Sunk-kissed skin. It is Summertime, indeed!  You ready your backpack with summer essentials like sunblock, water, bikini, or swimming trunks for men, camera, phone, and sunglasses. Aside from the glamour and fancy look that it … Read more

How much is an Oscar Award statuette worth?

How much is an Oscar Award statuette worth?

The Oscar trophies are one of the most coveted awards in the world. No surprise as the statuette is regarded to be the highest accolade given in the industry. It serves as a small ensemble of countless alluring stories and narratives behind it. But, while the Oscars trophies are plated in 24-carat … Read more

What was the first logo of the camera brand Canon? Why did it fail?

What was the first logo of the camera brand Canon

In 1934, the Japanese company Precision Instruments Laboratory launched its new product line under the brand name “Kwanon,” which was the name of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. According to Buddhist records and texts, Kwanon has 1000 hands and a ring of fire behind her that symbolized compassion. The Japanese company with … Read more

How old were the early mechanical clocks?

How were the early mechanical clocks?

Timekeeping has been a part of our daily lives. We use clocks to keep track of our schedule and the things we need to do. But, have you ever wondered how mechanical watches began? While sundials were discovered and initially created in Ancient Babylon, it was the Greeks and Egyptians who incredibly … Read more

When was computer giant Microsoft Corporation established?

When was computer giant Microsoft Corporation established

Microsoft Corporation is an American technology company and the leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. It was registered in New Mexico in 1976 after being formed the year before by two childhood friends.  The company also headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that supports the invention, manufacturing, and licensing of goods and … Read more

Why is number 13 considered unlucky?

Why is number 13 considered unlucky

Are you one of the hopefuls who bets of the Powerball jackpot that climbs ever month? You probably have a hard time deciding on the lucky numbers that you will choose for your lottery ticket. According to a news from abc7news published on March 28, 2019, someone from Wisconsin has won the … Read more