What is the world’s largest vulture? And where is it seen?

What is the world's largest vulture? And where is it seen?

Vultures are among the largest birds of prey, but they come in varying sizes themselves. There are several species within the vulture category, and it’s believed that the largest of these are Condor Vulture, also known as the Andean Condor. The physical details of this bird are as follows: Maximum wingspan: 3.2 … Read more

What happens if an aircraft flying in stormy weather is struck by lighting?

What happens if an aircraft flying in stormy weather is struck by lightning?

In most cases, nothing – except a slight flickering of cabin lights and a few milliseconds of interference that the cockpit instruments experience. Modern passenger aircraft’s skin is made primarily of aluminum which is a good conductor of electricity. Inside, there is adequate insulation, so most of the current flows through only … Read more

How did Greenwich become the center of the world time?

How did Greenwich become the center of the world time?

When the Greenwich observatory was set up in 1675, its primary task was not to keep track of time but to solve the problem of fixing longitude at sea. The first thing its expert custodians did was to verify a long-held assumption that the Earth’s rate of rotation was constant. To check … Read more

How many times did Christopher Columbus visit North America?

How many times did Christopher Columbus visit North America?

Christopher Columbus The first conjecture about the number of workers engaged in building Khufu’s pyramid has been given by the Greek scholar Herodotus. He said that about 100,000 workmen had toiled to build Khufu’s pyramid around 2500 BC. Herodotus was a historian and not an engineer, but his estimate was not questioned … Read more

Why is there a runaway greenhouse effect on planet Venus?

Why is there a runaway greenhouse effect on planet Venus

The runaway greenhouse effect on Venus can be blamed on carbon dioxide/CO2, which constitutes for about 96% of the planet’s atmosphere. The 250 kilometers thick and gaseous envelope of this peculiar planet has enough carbon dioxide to fill more than 1 billion fire extinguishers. Composed of molecules that have one atom of … Read more