Where is all the information data on the Internet stored?

Where is all the information data on the Internet stored?

The Answer: The Internet is a vast maze. It is incredibly hard to quantify and sometimes almost impossible to truly navigate. A complex array of machinery, coding, and processing power is needed to run even a single computer, much less the behemoth that is the Internet. Information on the Internet is exchanged … Read more

Why does water always seem shallower than it is?

Why does water always seem shallower than it is?

Light is one of the most complex things in the universe. It is so complex that it even warps the fabric of space/time due to its speed. Light is how we see. Light heats our planet and makes our ecosystem work. Without it, life could not exist. Light can also be deceptive. … Read more

Which is the world’s fastest railway train?

Which is the worlds fastest railway train

Travel has always been a task that is considered fundamental for the development and spread of society. It is in our nature to explore every corner of the world as fast as we can and unveil as many mysteries in our lives as we can. From the development of the wheel, which … Read more

Which is the largest insect in the world and where is it found?

Which is the largest insect in the world and where is it found

Our world accommodates a wide variety of small and large living creatures. One of the most frequently found classes includes the class of insects. This group of species can survive in major parts of the earth. Some of the examples include roaches and flies. But which insect is the largest one, let’s … Read more

What is smoke made of?

What is smoke made of?

“Dracarys.” All Daenerys had to do was to say that magic word, and set everything ablaze. Thousands of innocent people were slaughtered as the Mad Queen sat atop Drogon, and go all-evil and burn King’s Landing to the ground. Siblings and lovers Cersei and Jaime Lannister were both crushed, bringing their secret … Read more

Which acids are contained in the acid rain?

Which acids are contained in the acid rain

Acid rain is additionally referred to as acid deposition or acid precipitation. Acid rain is mainly a result of air pollution. It includes any kind of precipitation that contains a high amount of nitric or sulfuric acid. The precipitates are not necessarily to be wet or liquid; they can be dry or … Read more

Do bees really hum as they fly? If yes then why?

Do bees really hum as they fly? If yes then why?

Bee is the generic name for a large family of insects, with over 16,000 known species. These species include the western honey bee, known for producing natural honey and beeswax. Despite their tiny appearance, studies show that they are the most important insects in the animal kingdom, due to their capabilities to … Read more

Where do seashells come from?

Where do seashells come from?

Every individual who has been to any beach or seashore must have come across little shells. Most of the time, we can find them lying around on the sand. Other times, they can be felt with the waves of the ocean. We can also appreciate these beautiful pieces of nature on decorations … Read more