What is the D-day and what does it mean?

What is D day and what does it mean

The armed forces of the Allied Nations use the term D-day to designate a military operation that is set to begin, and it also counts all events out from that date for planning. For example, the operation “D minus two (D-2)” would be a plan that needs to happen two days before … Read more

Which was the most damaging earthquake in recent history?

Which was the most damaging earthquake in recent history

Humans have been recording earthquakes for centuries now. Although they are natural occurrences and are bound to take place but they have serious consequences as well. For years, earthquakes have been causing destruction and loss of human lives at a global scale. Today, science is able enough to track and predict earthquakes … Read more

When was computer giant Microsoft Corporation established?

When was computer giant Microsoft Corporation established

Microsoft Corporation is an American technology company and the leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. It was registered in New Mexico in 1976 after being formed the year before by two childhood friends.  The company also headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that supports the invention, manufacturing, and licensing of goods and … Read more

Who Invented The Pneumatic Tire? (Robert William Thomson)

Who invented the Pneumatic tire Robert William Thomson

Just riding our way to work, school, or the mall would make us appreciate the invention of tires. Whenever we use modern land transportation, we utilize various vehicles such as motorcycles, cars, trucks, and buses. Interestingly, all of these modes of transportation include the use of pneumatic tires, or simply called tires. … Read more

Why is number 13 considered unlucky?

Why is number 13 considered unlucky

Are you one of the hopefuls who bets of the Powerball jackpot that climbs ever month? You probably have a hard time deciding on the lucky numbers that you will choose for your lottery ticket. According to a news from abc7news published on March 28, 2019, someone from Wisconsin has won the … Read more

Which was the world’s first newspaper? When did it begin?

Which was the worlds first newspaper When did it begin

The newspaper in its modern form is usually regarded as beginning in 1566, when the government of Venice, Italy, issued written news-sheets and exhibited them in the streets. Anyone was allowed to read them on payment of a small coin called Gazetta. On this account the news-sheets were called gazettes, and they … Read more

What was the origin of the Olympic Games?

What was the origin of the Olympic Games

The original Olympic Games were an ancient Greek festival held at the end of every fourth year at Olympia, which was located in Southern Greece. The Ancient Olympics had a semi-religious character, and they were open to members of all branches in the Greek race. During the games, no fighting was allowed … Read more