8 Most Common Causes of Home Lockouts: Insights and Prevention Tips

Picture yourself in that disorienting and stressful scenario, trapped in a maze, frantically attempting to gain entry to your own residence because you’ve been locked out. It’s a situation nobody desires to experience, as it brings about annoyance and unease. Within this article, we will delve into the eight prevalent causes of home lockouts and offer practical guidance on how to avoid them.

1. Misplaced or Lost Keys

This is a scene that happens way too frequently. Your keys disappear from sight as you dash out, leaving them behind. Simple mistakes like forgetting or misplacing keys are one of the most common causes of home lockouts. To avoid this predicament, create a habit.

When you go home, find a spot close to your front entrance where you always put your keys. Establish a ritual to avoid having to run around looking for them in a panic. Use key hooks or get key finders if you frequently lose your keys in the depths of your bag. Not to mention the spare keys, which you should make, hide in a safe spot, or give to a relative or neighbour you may trust.

2. Broken Keys

Keys deteriorate with time and are not unbreakable. A key that is worn out or that is used with excessive force may break inside the lock. The solution to this is straightforward: maintenance.

Give your keys and locks regular check-ups. If you detect any signs of damage, address the problem before it leads to a lockout. For such situations, always have a trustworthy locksmith’s contact information handy.

3. Faulty Locks

Like everything else, locks wear down and age. They can become defective from frequent use and exposure to the outdoors. Faulty locks can quickly turn into a lockout nightmare. Roll up your sleeves to avoid this.

Check your hair periodically for indications of deterioration. If you find any issues, get in touch with a locksmith right once to have them fixed.

And here’s an idea—consider upgrading to robust locks that can withstand the test of time.

4. Auto-Locking Doors

Doors in contemporary homes frequently have automated locking systems installed. Although they increase security, if you’re not attentive, they can also result in lockouts. Preventing this is all about forming a habit.

Make it a rule to always carry your keys, even when stepping outside for a moment. By adhering to this simple habit, you’ll avoid that pesky auto-locking surprise.

5. Switching to Smart Locks Without Proper Setup

Although they are very popular, smart locks have certain drawbacks. You could get locked out due to technical issues or incorrect configuration. It’s time to introduce ourselves.

When transitioning to smart locks, don’t skip the instruction manual. Recognise how they operate and make sure everything is configured properly. Always keep a backup plan, be it a real key or the ability to use a smartphone app to remotely unlock your smart lock.

6. Locked Out by Children or Other Family Members

Lockouts can occur within the cosy confines of your home, thanks to children or other family members who accidentally or intentionally lock you out. Prevention here is about setting boundaries.

Establish clear rules about when and how locks can be used within your home. Educate your family members about these rules and why they’re essential. And don’t forget the spare key hidden outside or entrusted to a reliable neighbour—that’s your insurance against unintentional lockouts.

7. Getting Locked Out During Emergencies or Distractions

Emergencies or distractions can lead to lockouts, such as rushing out during a crisis without your keys. Avoiding this scenario involves planning ahead.

Develop an emergency plan for home access and ensure everyone in your household knows it by heart. Whether it’s a hidden spare key or a neighbour who can assist, having a backup plan is your ticket back in. Before you leave, make sure you have your keys again, and try not to let your phone or other distractions divert your attention. Being locked out during an emergency or diversion can cause worry and inconvenience, which can be avoided by being proactive and prepared.

8. Intentional Lockouts Due to Disputes

In some unfortunate scenarios, lockouts can be deliberate, a result of personal disputes. Addressing this issue requires a strategic approach. Consider seeking legal counsel or mediation to resolve conflicts that lead to intentional lockouts. Ascertain that security and safety come first at all times. Make sure that the resolution of disagreements doesn’t interfere with your ability to live in your own house.

Why You Should Contact a Professional Locksmith

Instead of seeking the help of a professional locksmith – people choose to try and handle a locked-out situation on their own. This can often lead to further damage to the bolt or door and can even put your safety at risk. Find some reasons to hire a locksmith:

  • Professional competence – Locksmith experts have all the tools required to unlock locked doors swiftly and carefully without causing any damage to your property. Experts have all the tools needed to handle any kind of lock, and if needed, they can even replace or fix it.
  • Time-saving – If you’re locked out of your house, time is important. If you have people to see, places to go, and obligations to fulfil, being shut out gets more and more inconvenient. Professional locksmiths can help you in getting back into your house quickly.
  • Cost-effective – Attempting to open a locked door on your own can result in expensive consequences. But by relying on a skilled locksmith, you can open the door without causing any harm. You can save further costs down the road in addition to short-term savings by hiring a skilled locksmith.


Although experiencing a home lockout is frequent, it is not a given. You may significantly reduce your chances of being locked out by learning what causes these situations and taking preventative action. Remember that aid is usually close by, be it from a kind neighbour, a family member, or an experienced professional locksmith. You may minimise the annoyance of being locked out by making sure your front door is always open to welcome you with a little forethought and planning.