Why does mosquito bite itch? How to prevent mosquitoes from biting?

Why does mosquito bite itch How to prevent mosquitoes from biting

It’s not only you who’s excited about summer and the barbecue parties it entails, but mosquitoes are also waiting to suck down sumptuously once they get the opportunity to attack. After they strike, mosquitoes leave red welts accompanied by irritating itchiness. But have you ever wondered why their bites itch? First, let’s … Read more

What is sponge? Is it an animal or a plant?

What is a sponge Is it an animal or a plant

The sponge is part of our daily lives. We use it in the kitchen when we wash our dishes, in the shower room when we scrub our skin, in our make-up kits when we apply concealers and have become part of our childhood TV cartoon viewing as SpongeBob SquarePants. However, sponges are … Read more

How do insects infect us through their sting or bite?

How do insects infect us through their sting or bite?

Among the many thousands of different kinds of insects which inhabit the Earth, we have to regard some as our enemies, especially those which attack us by biting or stinging. In some cases, this is a serious matter, for biting insects may carry disease. The way they spread infection is as follows: … Read more

How can some insects like housefly walk upside down on the ceiling?

How can some insects like housefly walk upside down on the ceiling

Insects have a whole world unto themselves, so it’s not surprising that many of their actions are a mystery to us. For instance, ants touch each other’s heads, while spiders spin thread out of seemingly nothing. With scientific research and observation, however, we can get an answer to most of these questions. … Read more

How long can a whale stay under water?

How long can a whale stay under water?

Whales are among the most interesting marine animals that exist. Blue whales are the largest animals that ever existed. They even out size the dinosaurs. They have so many specialized features that they seem a work of fiction. Besides the fact that they live their entire lives under water, same as dolphins, … Read more

Why do we feel thirsty after consuming salt?

Why do we feel thirsty after consuming salt

You’ve spent your whole afternoon on your couch, watching the football championship on your smart TV, while munching on your favorite chips, a hot and fresh pizza, some stocks of barbecue, and some sprinkle of salt for added pleasure to your taste buds. Soon enough, you got unbelievably thirsty and drank water … Read more

How much oxygen does a person consume in a minute?

How much oxygen does a person consume in a minute

Oxygen is present in the air that we breathe, and it is a great thing we need it for living. Everyday functions of the body, such as moving the muscles, ingesting and digesting food, and even just sitting and relaxing, requires oxygen. It is so essential that it can be fatal if … Read more

How does the human body make blood?

How does the human body make blood

Blood is essential in the human body. Without it circulating and carrying oxygen and nutrients, people won’t live. Its function is so crucial that the body continuously makes new blood. But, have you ever wondered how it is able to do so? The average adult has nearly 10 pints of blood, which … Read more