How does gargling with salt water help to cure a sore throat?

How does gargling with salt water help to cure sore throat?

Sore throat is a condition that is commonly known as pain in the throat. It is caused by viral infections, such as cold and flu. Inflammation is caused due to the infection. It is a known fact that about 7.5% of people of the total population get affected by this infection once … Read more

Which is the most dangerous creature in the world?

Which is the most dangerous creature in the world?

Our world is home to an unlimited number of species. From small unicellular organisms to large mammals like the whale, there are hundreds and thousands of animals who live here. Some of them are friendly, while others can be harmful and dangerous.  Unlike humans, animals have to struggle for food. Some of … Read more

Why hair color becomes white as we get older?

Why hair color becomes white as we get older

It’s your crowning glory, as what others say. Today, not only women but men also have some fascination with hairstyles. Shampoo and hair conditioner brands are spending millions for their advertisements to stand out in the market and attract people to buy. And a lot of hair treatment and routines are needed … Read more

What is the reason for somnambulism (sleepwalking)?

How long did the first light bulb stay lit?

The condition of walking in sleep is known as somnambulism, and scientists and researchers have not been able to solve the mysteries surrounding this condition yet. Though the cause of getting this particular illness is unknown, several researchers have made in-depth psychological and physiological studies to “sleepwalkers.” A person who is fast … Read more

How do police dogs sniff out hidden explosives?

How do police dogs sniff out hidden explosives?

Dogs have an extremely keen sense of smell. Not only do they have a lot more receptors for identifying smells relative to human beings, their receptors are about 100 times longer. Hence, a lot of the time, more molecules of smell can gather on them to boost the capability of identification by … Read more

Why does a rooster crow loudly at daybreak?

Why does a rooster crow loudly at daybreak

You are having a good sleep when suddenly you hear a loud noise outside your house. You woke up to find out its already morning, and the roosters are starting to crow. This scenario is not unusual to us, mainly to those people who live close to farms and rural areas.  The … Read more